Your Focus Needs More Focus…

I love those words Jackie Chan uttered in the latest re-make of the Karate Kid. They’re just funny-but, convicting at the same time. I have a friend who’s a few years older than me (and by a few I mean 30) who, every once in a while, utters some very good statements of his own. One of which I shall illustrate like this:

Focus->God->24 hr period is too far ahead. Anything beyond that is out of focus. To recap…anything that seeks a focus on God (what he’s up to, what He wants of you) that is more than 24hrs out is too far out. More specifically, as we are going through the book of Acts on Wed night, my friend was speaking these words of wisdom in relation to the Apostle Paul in Acts. He and his band of Gospel travelling companions were always going from one mission to the next on the one day at a time principle.

“Give us this day our daily bread” Those are easy words to pray. Maybe I should say that they’re easy to say. And maybe not so easy to pray after all. All of us are focused on tomorrow. Which tomorrow will become the today we’re looking for? What might we miss in the meantime?

Help me Jesus, to be faithful while it’s called today. Focused on you. One day at a time.


My Friend Jesus


Row, row, row your boat…