Row, row, row your boat…

Ok, well, we made it to 2021. Some of us did, some of us didn’t. I am thankful that, as far as I know, no one in our fellowship has had a significant encounter with Covid. Or lost a loved one to the disease. But not everyone can say that.

So, what are we to do in 2021? Keep rowing. Or drifting, as the case may be. Either way we are, in Jesus, to be moving down the river of life. Or should I say The River of Life? You see, as someone once told me, “This is God’s parade and I don’t want to miss out on what He’s doing”. I’m just using the river metaphor instead of a parade.

Jesus is the way down the river. He keeps us headed in the right direction. Jesus is the truth-the words written in red-in spite of the nonsense on either river bank. Or political party, whatever…Jesus is the life-instruction contained in the words written in red-we are to live.

Just keep heading down the river. Let the Word guide you. I say this knowing that not all voices referencing, using, or sharing the Word are Biblically correct. Unfortunately that’s something that needs navigated as well. But that’s a part of the journey down river. When you get into the Word to study and share it, good things happen in your life.

Grab a paddle, and start rowing. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. Take off into 2021 with faith, hope, and love. You need these, the world needs these, and you need to practice them. What God is doing as He’s piloting the boat is calling you to start what needs begun or keep up what is being done.

Keep Calm and…well, I guess that’s it. Just keep calm.


Your Focus Needs More Focus…


The Song Remains the Same