Social Togetherness- Apart

Tuesday, March 24th

2 days into no school; almost 2 weeks in this new way of doing social togetherness-apart. Are y'all starting to discover how to navigate life? I just want you to know I'm thinking of & praying for you all! Here's a quick word from the Word...
2 Kings 4. Elisha and the widow with two boys and not much else. After some jug borrowing and following the prophet's instructions she had oil a'plenty to use in addressing her needs.

You probably won't have to borrow jugs from your neighbor (never presume I suppose!), and what you need probably isn't olive oil-but-may what you do need...peace, patience, grace, creativeness, resourcefulness, gentleness, self control (can apply in many ways as we are at home together), and love never run out in your household!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Earl

Photo by Ben White @benwhitephotography


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