Lawnmower Therapy

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Eccl 11:6, NLT

“Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another-or maybe both.”

Many of you will know exactly what I’m describing here. There’s a great deal of satisfaction in cutting one’s yard. Oh yes. Actually it can be anything of the same ilk…housecleaning, washing the car, or cleaning up at least part of your garage. When it comes to the garage, cleaning at least part does count for a full measure!

I’m very glad God has provided strength for the task. And I’m glad He has provided the task itself. Over the coming weeks you’re going to need things to do, and doing things that need done is going to be hard to avoid! Maybe that’s your taxes or maybe it’s connecting with that person you really don’t want to connect with. Or just asking if your neighbor needs anything. Maybe it’s developing, or continuing, a spiritual discipline that’s in need of your attention.

Whatever the case, be encouraged that you’re in good company! But also whatever the case, I hope that you find encouragement and joy in the tasks that God has for you-not just now, but always!


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