Of Turkeys and…

Ok, I had too many options for finishing that sentence. Have you all seen the Etsy commercial with my man Paul sitting upon his workout bench with a sweet 2020 mug? If you haven’t yet, the mug is sweet because it rates 2020 one star out of five. And that may be too high.

This year has been…

Again, too many options. But how would you finish that sentence that wasn’t cliché? How would you finish that sentence in a way that was cliché? Either way you’d be right. But, no matter how you answered that statement, I wouldn’t believe you a lick if you went on to say that there wasn’t a single thing to be thankful for. And you’d probably know you were lying also. Well, lying may a bit strong, but you know what I mean.

Now, please understand I’m not asking for much. Just something. And there is a something. All I’m asking it that you think about it. And then think about that something until your gratitude cells are more energized than not. You’ll know when that is. Then smile, and let that moment become another and then another, and, well, you know where I’m going.

By now it’s occurred to me that this spiel doesn’t have much, if anything, to do with the blog title. You probably knew that much earlier. Actually, thank you for still reading! But now let’s end this time together by saying a word of thanks to our life’s sponsor the Almighty God of the universe and our Lord Jesus who made a way. And He will yet again for you. It may not be when or how you may think but He will. Do your best to be thankful in the meantime (shoutout to Barry Callen)!


And Away We Go…


All That Heaven Will Allow