Matthias, my man....

Matthias. My man.

Matthias is sometimes thrown under the proverbial bus as the poster child for humans who make rash decisions. After all, if they had been patient, God would have put Paul in the spot. Well, it turns out that Peter and the eleven knew exactly what they were doing, it was based on the fulfillment of Scripture, and it was the man God decided. By approved means. The practice of casting lots is an old one, Biblically speaking. It was invoked to select Saul as Israel’s first king. I know that turned out wonky and all, but still.

Yesterday I watched an episode of the Andy Griffith Show, “One Punch Opie.” There was no punch involved, but Op was ready if necessary. He was dealing with a would be bully/leader of the pack. Toward the end of the show as Andy headed off to contact the boys’ dads, Opie headed off to the woodpile hangout to face the antagonist. Opie followed what was the rare bit of good advice from Barney. “Brace yourself in case the other fella throws the first punch.” “Stare ‘em down.” “Advance toward the individual.” Great advice for Opie, and for us.

So, what does this have to do with the Disciples-Peter, the other 10, and Matthias? Two things:

1. Do what makes Biblical sense when necessary. Or even moving forward taking a Biblically educated guess! Many times it’s not what believer’s don’t understand, right? It’s us not doing what we know is right. It’s bracing against the enemy (even if it’s not Satan himself), staring doubt (or whatever) down, all the while moving forward in faith, making decisions as necessary. I have spent a good chunk of my adult life suffering from spiritual paralysis by analysis. If you spend too much time trying to get it perfect instead of just going forward in faith you’ll become spiritually tired pretty fast.

2. The purposes of God get fulfilled all the time in a very ordinary, following the process sort of way. And that’s ok. If we’re always looking for a “special dispensation” of God’s guidance we’ll most likely miss a thing or two. Probably.

So let’s learn a lesson from our friend Matthias. Always be ready to serve. And from our friends Peter & Opie. Practice doing what, in Jesus, you know to be the who, what, when, why, and where.

May you have discernment for the journey!


Monday, Monday….


In God We Trust