God hesitency?

Is it possible? Sure it is. The idea that people have a God hesitancy that mirrors any other hesitancy out there.

And why shouldn’t they? We, as believers, know the reasons they shouldn’t, but they don’t. People may be God hesitant for any number of reasons…doubt, past experience, observations of those who have God in their lives, fear of what may happen if they let God in, etc.

It is our job to help them overcome that, right? But how? How can we, as believers, help folks to overcome all of these dynamics and let God into their lives, gaining eternal life and enjoying a working relationship with Jesus now?

I would suggest that the best way to help people overcome any sort or type of God hesitancy in their lives is to share your positive experiences with God. Honestly, sincerely. Work to be invited into their lives. In Jesus, even the tough things He wants to see accomplished in you are positive. All that Jesus has helped-or is helping-you overcome. The struggle is positive if it’s redemptive. This positive redemptivity is what the God hesitant person desperately needs to hear and see.

A final word…

I know that what we’re talking about here manifests itself among people who have known each other and/or each others families forever. That familiarity can increase the risk involved in sharing your experiences with Jesus. That’s real. It’s also real that God can open doors of Jesus communication under any and all circumstances. Including yours.

So, Keep Calm and Speak Jesus.


Friends with Tractors


Out of the hole…