Louie, Louie…

Anyone catch Pastor Louie Giglio’s comments on the use of the phrase “white blessing” a couple days ago? He has now issues an apology for saying the term. But, that’s how it goes…we say something we think we’ve thought through, and, well, maybe we haven’t. And yet, much of what I think I’ve thought though is great until I hear how someone else has heard it. Yes, I’m not totally responsible for how you hear things, but I’ve got to do my part!

Anyway, back to “white blessing”. The comment was made in a round table conversation with rapper Lecrae and Chic-fil-a CEO Dan Cathy this past Sunday afternoon. Bro Louie was speaking of Christians wanting the blessing of the cross without living in the conditions of it’s calling. My words, not his. And he’s correct. We struggle with this, especially in the North American context. Where this comes off the rails is Bro Louie’s comparison of that dynamic to race/slavery in the U.S. His use of the term “white blessing” instead of “white privilege” was, in hindsight, probably not thought though enough. But, as a white guy who really did have trouble understanding the term “white privilege”, because I’m not privileged in life in the traditional sense-I get what he’s trying to say. Taking some licence here, I believe what the good pastor was trying to do was use the terminology of blessing in an ironic, even sarcastic way. Maybe.

Pastor Louie has since apologized, as I mentioned earlier. Which brings me to my final words of this post. Your words matter. I believe Jesus and James said some along those lines. For those of you who read this and have to use words in your profession…Be afraid, be very afraid. Well, sort of. If you use words in your everyday life, the same applies. Anything, anymore, can and will be used against you. And this will be, by and large, phrase focused instead of people trying to grasp the entirety of the conversation.

But speak we must. Speak life. And hope. And peace; trusting God to help your message be heard.

Bonus thoughts-It could be, too, that this dynamic is why Christians speak to Christians about Christian stuff more than we engage the world of the lost with the message of Jesus. Like I’m doing here…

It’s safer in here. Well, relatively safe anyway. It’s absolutely amazing how many people are so completely wrong in how they speak of what Jesus would or would not say or do, or in what Scripture allows for or not. Amazing. And sad. Much like we spoke about earlier, there is so much phrase or idea borrowing going on with the Word of God out there it’s no wonder people really don’t know what the Bible teaches. Shout out to F.G. Smith.

And then there’s Franklin Graham…..


Kerosene Cucumbers


Let us pray…