50 Days a Difference Makes

Seven weeks, roughly speaking. A lot can happen in seven weeks. Just over seven weeks ago life was “normal”. In a span of seven weeks Jesus had appeared many times to the disciples in small and large group settings. Another Apostle had been chosen. Much togetherness had been experienced by Jesus’ followers in those weeks since the crucifixion.

Seven weeks had passed, and then it happened. Jesus’ word came to pass as the Holy Spirit came upon the believers and their lives, once again, were never the same. This edition of the Day of Pentecost has been deemed “the birth of the church”. However, I believe the church was birthed out of those first few days after Jesus’ ascension. Their togetherness in the time after that event and before the events on that Pentecost day forged the bonds of relationship in Jesus such that a new grouping of people came into being. It was upon the church (that group of people) that the Spirit came. It is upon the church (a current group of people) that the Spirit still comes.

We’ll probably not see and hear what is described in Acts chapter 2 in our local church, but you never know. God will do what God will do. Even looking for such a thing though is not the point. The net result of the coming of the Spirit on that day in that way was the message about Jesus being told to the world. It was a powerful beginning and stands as a timeless illustration of what the primary “help” of the Holy Spirit in our lives still is-to get a word about Jesus out there. Yes, the Holy Spirit helps us live our lives in and for Christ, but what’s the main point of my life-your life, any life-lived for Christ? It’s to get a word about Jesus out there. If you think that God doesn’t speak the lingo of your’s or your friend’s life, think again. He most certainly does. He can reach anyone anywhere who speaks any language. Including the language spoken in your world.

So keep calm and speak Jesus my friend.


Let us pray…


Monday, Monday….